Aug 2015-Present Professor of Practice in Journalism
Communication & Journalism Dept., University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Classes: Advanced Multimedia Reporting, Intermediate Reporting, Innovations in Media Entrepreneurship (A UNM Innovation Academy Course). Founder and supervisor: New Mexico News Port innovation/collaboration lab. Faculty Internship Coordinator. SPJ Student Chapter advisor. Member: UNM Faculty Senate; KUNM Radio Board; Ad Hoc Committee on UNM Public Media; C&J Advisory Board; Undergraduate Curriculum Committee; Accreditation Committee; Technology Committee.
Aug 2013-May 2015 Visiting Associate Professor
Classes: Advanced Multimedia Reporting, Intermediate Reporting, Introduction to Media Writing. Founder: NM News Port lab. Faculty Internship Coordinator. Member: Facilities Committee, Technology Committee. Member: Provost’s Ad Hoc Committee on Public Media.
July 2012-June 2013 Reynolds Chair in Ethics of Entrepreneurial/Innovative Journalism
Reynolds School, University of Nevada, Reno
Visiting professor of journalism. Faculty activities included design, launch and supervision of The Nevada Media Alliance, a news collaboration between UNR, KUNR, KNPB and The Reno Gazette-Journal. Teaching: Media Ethics, Radio News Production. Research: Principal Investigator for UNR/USC 2012 Local Public Media Newsroom Survey. Panels/Papers: Western States Communication Association, Reno, 2013 – “Voluntary Ethics in the Networked Era”; Broadcast Education Association, Las Vegas, 2013 - “A Window on Change”; What is Radio Conference, Portland, 2013 - “Reaching for the NPR Star”; Public Radio Program Directors, Las Vegas, 2012 - “Practicing Journalism in the Digital Age”; Public Radio News Directors, Cleveland, 2013 – “Design Thinking for Local Stations” & “Strategic Planning for Local Newsrooms.” Service: Technology Committee, Broadcast Faculty Search Committee (2 hires), Media Alliance Coordinator Search Committee, Mentor Student Newsroom at ONA 2012, Managing Editor for NPR Next Generation Radio, Bootcamp 2013
August 2010-June 2011 Knight Fellow
Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA
Selected in prestigious fellowship for journalism innovation, leadership, entrepreneurship. Studies in:
- Non-profit business management
- Newsroom innovation & digital strategy
- "Design Thinking"
- Media law
- Social network analysis
- Data visualization
- Leadership studies
- Brands, experience & social technology
- Social entrepreneurship
- Project: "Local Media Innovation Labs"
January 2008-Present Principal
MVM Consulting, Albuquerque, NM
Improving public service media through strategic planning, training and consulting. Clients include:
- Indiana Public Broadcasting Stations
- Corporation for Public Broadcasting
- Capital Public Radio, Sacramento
- The Public Media Integrity Project
- KERA, Dallas
- KCBX, San Luis Obispo
- American Public Media
- Houston Public Media
- J-Lab, Washington DC
- Public Radio News Directors, Inc
- Indie-Edit, Seattle
- Connecticut Public Broadcasting
- Iowa Public Radio
- KQED, San Francisco
Nov 1995-Nov 2007 News Director
KPBS FM/TV/Online, San Diego, CA
Responsible for award-winning journalism on region's top NPR & PBS stations during which audience and member-support doubled. Served as adjunct faculty in SDSU School of Journalism.
- Supervised 20 person dept. of reporters, editors, hosts, producers and support personnel.
- Successfully managed millions of dollars in budgets and projects. Set goals, monitored performance and evaluated outcomes for quality, growth and effectiveness.
- Led or participated in fundraising efforts from major gifts, grants, sponsors, members.
- Developed a funded beat system. Managed bureaus. Oversaw news assignments, spots, features, newscasts and live current affairs program. Led crisis coverage response.
- Reported and edited stories. Anchored newscasts. Hosted weekly TV program.
- Drove organizational change. Led strategic planning, crisis planning and engaged in audience research. Set news ethics policies, performance standards and work procedures.
- Designed new newsroom layout. Led digital conversion. Managed online news contributions and online election content.
- Moderated public forums. Helped launch media partnership “Envision San Diego.” Instituted KPBS Issues Poll. Completed one year LEAD San Diego fellowship.
- Instituted and directed Jacobs Lab for Reporting Excellence (A digital laboratory for innovations in media convergence. Recruited and mentored lab fellows).
- Elected national president of PRNDI. Worked with NPR and public broadcast industry.
- Taught Public Affairs Reporting in SDSU journalism department.
- Trained staff and students.
- Ran broadcast portion of CCNMA high school journalism boot camp.
Sept 1987-Oct 1995 News Director
KPLU FM, Tacoma/Seattle, WA
Grew and led high performance local news team at 100,000 watt NPR station serving Western Washington and parts of British Columbia, during which audience and support quadrupled. Served as adjunct faculty in PLU Communications Dept.
- Responsible for news content, budgets, long-range planning, research, editorial policy and performance standards.
- Named Best Broadcast Newsroom in the Pacific Northwest by SPJ.
- Established beat system. Managed bureaus in Seattle and Olympia. Coordinated coverage with regional and national networks. Did frequent reporting, anchoring and editing.
- Initiated election projects, arts project, children’s coverage and “Front Porch Forum” civic journalism partnership with NPR, KUOW and Seattle Times.
- Participated in fundraising. Trained staff and interns.
- Taught Audio Production and National Reporting in PLU communications department.
Sept 1984-Aug 1987 Broadcast Producer
WOSU AM/FM/TV, Columbus, OH
Joint appointment with Ohio State University School of Journalism.
- Anchored morning and mid-day news on professional all-news public radio station.
- Also produced in-depth features and spot news reports. Occasionally hosted call-in show.
- Taught required courses in radio news writing, reporting and production in OSU School of Journalism.
- Advisor to student radio station WOSR.
- Served on strategic study committee.
- Mentored Kiplinger Public Affairs Fellows as teaching assistants.
March 1982-Sept 1984 Newscaster/Reporter
Afternoon drive, weekend mornings and field reporting for top-rated regional AM/FM commercial combo.
Sept 1978-June 1983 Various Roles
University of Georgia, Athens, GA
During my undergraduate and graduate studies, I worked various media jobs including:
- News & Public Affairs Director, WUOG FM. Supervised 25 students. Implemented beat system. Anchored newscasts, produced magazine, hosted call-in show. (1979-1981)
- Instructor, Grady School of Journalism, teaching assistantship. (1982-1983)
- Founder/Director, “Theater of Sound,” radio drama series. Wrote scripts, cast actors, engineered recordings. Produced live auditorium show. (1982-1983)
- Printer, graphic artist, “The Print Shop” offset and letterpress. (1978-1982)
Stanford University Knight Journalism Fellow, 2010-2011
One year paid fellowship with open access to all Stanford courses and events. The program selects candidates on the basis of their innovation, leadership and entrepreneurism. Project work included, “Rewriting the NPR News Station Playbook.”
University of Georgia Master’s Degree in Journalism, 1982-1984
Focus on management and research. Graduated “With Distinction.” Master’s Thesis: “Radio Public Service 1940-1982; A Longitudinal Content Analysis of the Peabody Awards.”
University of Georgia Bachelor of Arts in Journalism, 1978- 1982
Major emphasis: News and Editorial. Minors: English and Drama. Dean’s List.
Fellowship, Scripps Howard Journalism Entrepreneurship Institute
Cronkite School, Arizona State University, Phoenix.
January 3-7, 2016
Scripps Leadership Institute
Society of Professional Journalists and Scripps Howard Foundation.
July 17-19, 2015, Bellevue, WA.
Dow Jones Multimedia Training Workshop
Sam Donaldson School of Communication, University of Texas, El Paso.
May 30-June 3, 2014.
Nonprofit Management Institute
Stanford Social Innovation Review & The Association of Fundraising Professionals.
October 5-6, 2010, Stanford University.
Poynter Institute for Media Studies
- Best Practices for Newsroom Training, September 11-13, 2008.
- Managing People & Plans for Breaking News and Beyond, August 2-5, 2006.
- Training the Trainers, January 2001.
LEAD San Diego. Sept. 1996 - May 1997.
Selected for this nine-month community leadership immersion program. Focused on issues of education, arts, military, media, politics, US-Mexico border, public safety, regional planning. Helped create gang prevention program. Preparation for volunteer board service.
U.S. Army, Vietnam Era volunteer, 1974-1977. Specialist 4th class. Honorable Discharge.